Young researchers workshopStructure of the workshopAfter the conference, a workshop has been offered to young researchers (31st May and 1st June), in order to deepen its theoretical and methodological propositions, and to participate in hands-on sessions, allowing to develop or/and to use tools related to the analysis of teachers documentation work. The workshop included four successive sessions, opening the way for further collaborations. Session A - Interactions with conference plenary speakersCoordination: Birgit Pepin and Takeshi Miyakawa (Local Organizing Committee); corresponding members as young researchers: Cibelle Assis, Ousmana Fofana, Katiane de Moraes Rocha, & Michael Umameh Contact address: During the main conference, the discussion time is likely to be limited in terms of offering sufficient opportunities for interacting with each plenary and panel speaker. The objective of session A was to provide opportunities for interacting more directly with plenary speakers and panel members: Michèle Artigue, Birgit Pepin, Takeshi Miyakawa, Birgit Pepin, Kenneth Ruthven, Luc Trouche and Binyan Xu were present. Two issues have been particularly addressed (complete list of questions here):
Session B - Sequencing learning activities – roles of didactic metadataCoordination: Jason Cooper, Michal Yerushalmy and Sophie Soury-Lavergne (Local Organizing Committee); corresponding members as young researchers: Anita Messaoui, Luxizi Zhang & Fangchun Zhu Contact address: Teachers increasingly take on some of the roles of curriculum designers; in some contexts teachers are expected to supplement their textbook with additional activities, in others they may need to put together whole learning sequences on their own. In this workshop we introduced some tools (see this website) that we had developed in order to support teachers in this role, by providing didactic views on sequences of activities – as they appear in textbooks, or as modified/designed by teachers. Participants in the workshop used our tools to reflect on a given sequence of activities, and to propose and substantiate alternate sequences: The aims of this session were: • To present to participants some novel tools for textbooks analysis and for curricular design; Jason Cooper, Shai Olsher & Michal Yerushalmy (2018) Reflecting on didactic metadata of learning sequences, in Gitirana, V., Miyakawa, T., Rafalska, M., Soury-Lavergne, S., & Trouche, L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Re(s)sources 2018 International Conference. ENS de Lyon, France, May 2018, pp. 191-194. Session C - Webdocuments for collaborative analysis of teachers’ practices with resourcesCoordination: Franck Bellemain, Mohammad Alturkmani, and Veronica Gitirana (Local Organizing Committee); corresponding members as young researchers: Rogério Ignacio, & Rosilângela Lucena Contact address: Over the past five years, webdocuments as online files incorporating texts, images, audio or video components, and others digital resources, have been developed (Bellemain & Trouche, 2016; Alturkmani et al., to appear; Lucena & Assis, 2015) for supporting collaborative analyzes of teachers’ documentation work. In this workshop, the participants used two plataforms of such webdocuments for analyzing teachers’ activity of class planning and constructing, displaying, sharing and discussing their analyses. Two platformes have be presented to the participants: Lematec.Studium (with Webdoc.Studium), a platform developed by the research group LEMATEC from Federal University of Pernambuco (Brazil); and AnA.doc, a platform developed by the Laboratory EducTice, a research group from the IFÉ - Institute Français d’Éducation/ENS-Lyon. The participants, in groups, discussud the data of teachers’ documentation from the videos available. In Lematec.Studium, participants had access to data (a video with English legend) of a teacher’s educator preparing resources in Lematec.Studium for a class about the ellipse to be taught in a course of graphic expressions. In AnA.doc, the participants had access to the data (a video) of two teachers’ collaboration on planning the introduction of algorithmic. The participants prepared, in group, a webdocument of analysis of two episodes of one of the studies. They had watched the videos previously and chosen two moments as being relevant for teachers’ practice with resources. So, the participants analyses and experiences within the platforms have been discussed, contributing with diffusion and rethinking of collaborative research and to conception and design of platforms to support this process of researching. To access to Lematec.Studium and AnA.doc ask coordinator the login and password. Alturkmani, M., Daubias, P., Loisy, C., Messaoui, A., & Trouche, L. (to appear). Instrumenter les recherches sur le travail enseignant : le projet AnA.doc. Éducation & Didactique. Bellemain, F., & Trouche, K. (2016). Comprendre le travail des professeurs avec les ressources de leur enseignement, un questionnement didactique et informatique, invited lecture to the first latinamerican Conference on didactics of mathematics - LaDiMa (French and Portuguese versions), Bonito, Brazil Lucena, R., & Assis, C. (2015). Webdoc Sistema de Recursos e o Trabalho Coletivo do Professor: Uma Via de Mão Dupla, 2015(in English, French and Portuguese, password to be asked to the authors) Session D - Naming systems used by secondary school teachers to describe their resources and their documentation workCoordination: Maryna Rafalska and Luc Trouche (Local Organizing Committee); corresponding members as young researchers: Rogerio Ignacio, Samet Okumus, Nolwenn Quéré, Ulises Salinas, Karima Sayah, Hendrik van Steenbrugge & Chongyang Wang + Amata Mbani. Contact address: The Lexicon project (Artigue et al., 2017; Clarke et al., 2017), supported at an international level by a number of researchers, aims to « document the naming systems (lexicons) employed by different communities speaking different languages to describe the phenomena of the mathematics classroom ». The purpose of this session was to develop a similar reflection on naming systems, considering teachers’ resources and documentation work.
The session has analyzed data gathered beforehand in different language and cultural contexts (e.g. Arabic, Brazilian, Chinese, Dutch, French, Mexican, Turkish and Ukrainian). The data hed been collected from interviews, focusing on the preparation of a lesson and on teachers’ resource systems. For each of these questions, the teachers have been asked to name their resources, describe their classification and the steps of their documentation work. Preliminary work has been done, describing in English the reality to which these terms refer, and proposing examples and counter examples. The session allowed a cross presentation and analysis of these data. Artigue, M. et al. (2017). Comparing the professional lexicons of Czech and French mathematics teachers. In B. Kaur, W.K. Ho, T.L. Toh & B.H. Choy (Eds.), Proceedings of PME 41 (Vol. 2, pp. 113-120). Singapore: PME. Clarke, D., Mesiti, C., Cao, Y., & Novotna, J. (2017). The lexicon project: examining the consequences for international comparative research of pedagogical naming systems from different cultures, In T. Dooley, & G. Gueudet (Eds.) (2017, in preparation). Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME10, February 1 – 5, 2017). Dublin, Ireland: DCU Institute of Education and ERME. |